Sylvie will completely melt your heart when you meet her. At 4.5 months old, she is one of the gentlest pups you’ll ever meet. Sylvie is fantastic with other dogs and must have a dog companion in her new home. She loves being outside, playing with her foster fur friend,
Lorelei is a loving, sweet and gentle girl who will make a wonderful family companion. She’s great with kids and other dogs, loves cuddling and playing outdoors.
Brumer is a wonderful, smart and very energetic boy. He is the perfect combination between playful and cuddly and loves a quiet home where he get get a lot of attention
Finnegan is a 5-6 month old plott hound mix! He’s very sweet and loves to be loved on when he isn’t busy running and playing. He gets along with other dogs, cats and kids. He is a really awesome dog that could fit in anywhere. He would really enjoy a foster home with another dogs and kids to play with him and go for walks. He’s a sweet guy who is ready to start a new adventure with a foster family to guide his way!
Huck is a 5-6 month old Plott hound mix. He’s very friendly and loves kids, gets along with cats (maybe a little ornery) but redirects well. He loves to run and play with his brother. He loves toys, stick and bottle to play with and running around with friends! He’d love a foster family with another dog and kids! He’d be so happy to find a foster family to give him lots of love while we search for his forever!!