Sweet Kanga is an Australian shepherd about 3 yrs old. Kanga is a sweet girl who gets along with dogs, cats and kids! Kanga Loves getting pets, cheese, treats and laying around the house. She
Meet Asteroid. He is a sweet, playful happy boy who loves everyone he meets! He is great with kids and loves getting lots of attention from them. Asteroid is 16 weeks old and loves toys,
Junebug is a very sweet and smart girl. She’s around a year old and weighs just 30lbs. Her foster family is working on basic manners and commands and she’s catching on great. Junebug is learning
Meet Filo! This handsome 53lb big boy is a young adult and as loving as they come. Filo is super smart and so playful. Filo is looking for his forever family where he can cuddle
Meet Dino! He is almost 5 years old and very sweet. We are guessing he is chihuahua and maybe some kind of wire haired terrier mix. He is very smart, affectionate and loves attention but
Adonis is The sweetest snuggliest softest boy. He is so smart and definitely the bravest and most adventurous of his littermates! We are guessing he is a lab hound mix of some sort, based on
If you are looking for the dream dog, Lettie is your girl!! She loves everyone she meets! Her favorite things are treats, belly rubs, and playing ball. She matches energy so if you want to
How can you not fall in love the minute you see this beautiful pitty girl name Pearl? She is literally the perfect dog! She loves everyone she meets, adults and kids! She greets everyone with
Hi, I’m Starla, I’m a two year old German Shepherd who lived the first two years of my life in a small kennel outside. I now live with my foster family, and I am learning
My name is Alpine and I am the sweetest boy you will ever meet! I am a 6 month old, 39 lb, Aussiedoodle mix puppy. My foster parents say I’m a very fast learner- I