Meet Homer! He is a 10 month old 35lb possibly Jack Russell/Shepherd mix. He is a very active, playful, SWEET boy who would love to meet you! Homer is crate trained and housebroken. He is
Meet silly, spunky, sweet Gabarina. She is just the cutest little girl ever with more energy than the energizer bunny!! She’s a very sweet natured, curious, lively puppy who will need an active person or
Meet Gorgeous! Yes that’s her name because well, she’s just a gorgeous girl! She is about 5 months old and just personality plus! She is one of the sweetest dogs you’ll meet. She’s a little
This handsome boy is Chopper! He is a very smart 4 year old boy, knows basic commands, is crate trained, housebroken and LOVES his people! He will be a loyal best friend to his new
Where are all our HUSKY lovers?? Meet JUNO! This little bundle of fire is 5 months old and needs an active family that knows about the husky breed. She loves other dogs and will run
Meet Leonardo! He is a 7 month old Black lab and Boxer mix with loads of personality! His mama is a purebred brindle boxer and daddy is a black lab. He is the perfect combination
Cecil is just the cutest little beagle /heeler mix pup with so much personality! He absolutely loves other dogs and would love to have a well trained dog friend to spend his days playing with
Toby Keith (aka Ryder)
Toby Keith, (aka Ryder) is a 1 year old 51% beagle, 49% Boston Terrier. He is smarter than a whipper snapper; and oh so adorable! He is a very confident boy and likes to be
Petunia Pie
Little Miss Petunia Pie has been with a foster family since November 2021. This family has taken excellent care of her over the last 1 1/2 years and now it’s time to help them find
Hi there, I’m Rook, a two-year-old male Poodle and I weigh 50lbs! At first, I might seem a little reserved but give me a couple of weeks and my personality will shine through! I love