Clifford is such a happy puppy who loves everyone he meets! He is a border collie/lab mix about 12 weeks old. Clifford loves to play with other dogs of all sizes and really loves having
Brogan is 14 weeks old and so fun, rambunctious and cuddly. He is a very confident puppy who wants to please his people. He will be the first one to come running when he hears
Dobby is 14 weeks old and so adorable. She loves to run around exploring, especially with one of her siblings by her side. She really enjoys having a dog friend to play with and plays
Howard von Schnitzel aka Howie is a 12 week old male German Shorthaired Pointer with quite the personality. He is very smart and easily redirected. He is very smart, he has been working on sit,
Conrad is such a wonderful puppy who loves everyone he meets! He is a border collie/lab mix about 12 weeks old. He is the perfect age to start growing and bonding with your family. He
Candice is a 12 week old Lab/Border Collie mix (we think). She is a playful and cuddly little girl. She loves kids and other dogs and is getting closer and closer to being able to
Lena is a 12 week old Female German Shorthaired Pointer with quite the personality. She is very smart, loves the kids in her foster home and is a huge fan of playing with other dogs.
Larna is a gorgeous girl, we think she is a white German Shepherd / Husky mix but that is our best guess. Larna checks off all the boxes for a perfect family pet. She is
Tank is very smart, adventurous, playful boy that also loves to cuddle. He enjoys sitting on the couch with his human and having snuggle time before hopping up to go explore. Tank is a quiet boy,
Cami is a sweet 14-16 week old adorable heeler/cattle dog mix puppy ready to steal your heart! This affectionate pup has a passion for chew toys and bones, playing with her dog friends and running