Archives: Donation Forms

Seven Neglected Poodles Need Your Help!

DJ Suki lost her eye tragically as a puppy, likely due to an encounter with a hawk. Unfortunately, prior to coming to rescue, her owner attempted to address the injury himself, unknowingly causing further damage. He cut the eye out and in doing so cut a nerve. Now, DJ Suki requires surgery to repair the damage.


Get your Mooseeds by donating to Lucky Chance Rescue. Enjoy Zinnia flowers bright bold colors all summer long! They are gorgeous in your garden and as a cutting flower… and butterflies LOVE them! Your donation will help provide veterinary care for our rescue dogs.

DJ Suki’s Eye Enucleation Surgery

DJ Suki lost her eye tragically as a puppy, likely due to an encounter with a hawk. Unfortunately, prior to coming to rescue, her owner attempted to address the injury himself, unknowingly causing further damage. He cut the eye out and in doing so cut a nerve. Now, DJ Suki requires surgery to repair the damage.

Winfield Jack Tooth Extraction, Vet Care & Boarding

Jack had a pretty severe broken tooth. He was in a lot of pain and needed the tooth extracted. It was an easy procedure and he got through it with flying colors. Just a month after this ordeal, he lost his foster home he’d been with for 14 months. He spent 45 days in boarding! If you can help by making a donation, we’d really appreciate anything you can give!

Donations Needed For Odie’s Heart Murmur & Skin Infection

Odie is a 13 year old senior dog who was infested with fleas, had severe skin infection, matting and hair loss. Upon veterinary exam, we found out Odie also has a grade 4/6 LAS murmur and needs X-rays to check his heart size. Our veterinarian suspects he has congenital heart disease and can confirm and prescribe medications once we have the radiographs done. Donations are appreciated to help offset these costs!

Donations Needed For Neo CT Scan & Dental Surgery

Neo suffered a significant trauma to his face, more than likely caused by a human who beat his face in. He has severe misalignment of his upper and lower jaw, his lower jaw is dislocated, he has several broken/damaged teeth, and sinus damage causing chronic infections and the inability to breathe through his nose. Neo needs a CT scan to assess the damage. Dental surgery has been recommended.

Donations Needed For Matilda’s Urethral Hydraulic Occluder Ring

Due to birth defect causing abnormal anatomy development, Matilda suffers from incontinence. The only option for Matilida is to have a hydraulic urethral occluder ring surgically placed around the urethra. This inflatable silicone ring is an effective long-term treatment that should provide Matilda with the ability to control her urine output. Anything you can give will be appreciated.

Donations Needed For Peanut Butter & Pinwheel Emergency Vet

Pinwheel and Peanut Butter were rushed to VSS Emergency Vet after their foster mom realized they ate some of her personal medication. They both suffered from Serotonin Syndrome and spent 2 1/2 days in the hospital getting treatment. Thankfully both puppies pulled through and are doing great but we still had a huge, unexpected bill. We are so grateful for your help, especially when emergencies like this arise!

Donations Needed For Maizley’s Broken Leg

Maizley came to us with a leg injury due to an untreated trauma. We had radiographs done and sent to a specialist. There is a fracture of the growth plate and pieces of bone are missing. It is misaligned with abnormal angular, rotational deformities and inflammation. Your donations to help cover the radiology expenses will help tremendously, especially if surgery is needed.