Jack is a 7 year old boy who has been with the rescue since October 2022. In 16 months he still hasn't found a forever family. We have provided vet care, preventatives, vaccinations and all other necessities while he's in our care. Jack also had broken tooth. He was in a lot of pain and needed the tooth extracted. We all know how bad a toothache can be so we didn't hesitate to get him to our vet. It was an easy procedure and he got through it with flying colors, but of course it was an expense we weren't expecting. Just a month after this ordeal, he lost his foster home he'd been with for 14 months. He had to go to boarding as we could not find a foster home for him. He was in boarding for 45 days until a foster gave him a chance! If you can help by making a donation, we'd really appreciate anything you can give!

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Donation Total: $25.00 One Time