Bronx belonged to an off-road truck driver. He loved his dog, but unfortunately he couldn't bring him on his travels. Because of this he had to stay home. His wife didn't want Bronx or his other dog Brooklyn, so she left them both sit in a crate 24/7. UNALTERED!! They were only let out to potty and given food and water. They had no life outside of the crate. "Dad"' wanted a better life for his dogs and surrendered them to Lucky Chance Rescue. Bronx a very sweet boy but unfortunately came back after his first vet visit as Heartworm Positive. We are lucky Brooklyn isn't pregnant! So far, we've accumulated $438.16 in medical bills, and have an estimate of $747.08 for his heartworm treatment. We need to raise $1,185.24 to help cover these expenses. Any contribution you can make will help us provide Bronx with the best possible care.